Staff Rides #7

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Have you got a name for your bike?

It was called Walter before it was mine and I’d feel bad for renaming it.

Why did you start cycling to work?

I started cycling as soon as I moved to London when I started at RT. It’s faster, cheaper, healthier and more fun than the bus or tube - so it’s a no-brainer!

How far do you commute?

5.7 miles from East Dulwich.

What’s the best and worst thing about cycling to work?

The best thing is getting to know the city as you ride through it, you don’t get to see the sights when you’re underground.

The worst things are pedestrians and bad drivers.

How long have you had your bike?

About 2 months, I bought it off James (from RT) after my first pay cheque.

What’s your favourite bike accessory?

I’d say the pedals and clips as they’ve been the only thing I’ve upgraded so far.

Where do you most like to cycle?

My favourite place so far has been Dulwich Park but I’ve plenty of places to explore when the weather brightens up!