Christmas Cheer...
"A perfectly genius proposal"
Rock Townsend and Telford Homes Plc have received planning approval from the Mayor of London to redevelop the Holy Trinity School in Dalston. The innovative scheme will rebuild and expand the existing Holy Trinity Primary School from one form entry to a two form entry primary school, funded by the delivery of 101 residential units in the airspace above. Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, hailed the development “ a perfectly genius proposal” and went on to say: “The design for the redevelopment of Holy Trinity School is pioneering and cleverly tackles the need to provide more housing and more primary school places”.
The solution is a contemporary and pragmatic approach to making a new school possible and delivering extra primary school places within a dense urban context. The design is defined by the creation of a ‘sky gap’ over the two storey Primary School form with residential cover. This arrangement allows the roof of the school to be explored as an outdoor learning landscaped area, providing varied playspace on the tight urban site.
The design also provides a glazed façade with translucent glazing flooding the ‘big’ community and central spaces with light.
More Bangs for your Buck
Welcome to Tegan
Cake Monday ...
Tim Tries : Being a Fashionista
Forgotten Spaces ...
Thursday 3rd October saw the opening of the Forgotten Spaces exhibition in Somerset House. Charlotte.T went down with chums Charlotte Marshall and Kate Stevens to check out their hard work on display (and to make the most of the free bubbles). The exhibition is really well curated and itself within the forgotten space of the coal holes of Somerset House. Definitely worth a visit!